Sub Continent - Bharat - Desi / Desh

Sub Continent - Bharat - Desi / Desh


 1. Father of Astronomy: Aryabhatta ; work - Aryabhattiyam

2. Father of Astrology: Varahamihira , works; Panchasiddhantika, Bruhat Hora Shastra 

3. Fathers of Surgery : Charaka and Sushruta , works : Samhitas .

4. Father of Anatomy: Patanjali , work: Yogasutra 

5. Father of Yoga : Patanjali , work : Yogasutra 

6. Father of Economics : Chanakya , work: Arthashshtra 

7. Father of Atomic theory : Rishi Kanada , Work : Kanada sutras 

8. Father of Architecture : Vishwakarma .

9. Father of Aero Dynamics: Mayasura , work : Vastu Darpana 

10. Father of Medicine: Dhanvanthri , first propounded Ayurveda 

11. Father of Grammar: Panini , work: Vyakarana Deepika 

12. Father of Natyashastra : Bharatamuni , work : Natyashastra .

13. Father of Kavya (literature) : Krishna Dwaipayana (VedaVyasa) works ; Mahabharata , Ashtaadasha Puranas 

14. Father of Playwriting : Kalidasa , works : Meghadhootam , Raghuvamsham , Kumara Sambhava etc etc

15. Father of Ganita: Bhaskara II , works : Lilavati .

16. Father of Warfare and Weaponry: Parashurama, works: Kalaripayatu, Sulba Sutras

17. Father of story writing: Vishnu Sharma, works: Panchatantra

18. Father of Politics: Chanakya, works: Arthashashtra, Nitishashtra

19. Father of Sexual Anatomy: Vatsyana, work: Kamasutra .

20. Father of Philosophy: Sri Krishna, work: Sribhagavadgeeta

21. Father of Advaitha: Shankara, works: commentaries (Bhashyas), panchadasi, vivekachudamani, 

22. Father of Alchemy: Nagarjuna, work: Pragnaparamita Sutras .

The above list is just the tip of

an iceberg.

Let us take pride in sharing and educating the world what our ancestors did.

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